Posted on: 24 November, 2004

Author: Dan K. O'Leary

Dating in San Luis Obispo Welcome to the doldrums of dating, where your single ship drifts ... without wind or ... Sailing ... aside, meeting the perfect person in San Luis Obispo c Dating in San Luis Obispo Welcome to the doldrums of dating, where your single ship drifts aimlessly without wind or direction. Sailing analogies aside, meeting the perfect person in San Luis Obispo can be challenging, and keeping things fresh can be ever harder. As the resident expert, I’ve done my fair share of dating in this town, as some of you may know for better or worse. So, how have I been so successful? What is the secret to dating in San Luis Obispo?Meeting your mateLet’s start with meeting the right person. Whether you are at Poly Dolly, or alumni still kicking it around town, meeting the right person is all about location. Yes like that old business cliché, where you go will dictate who you’ll meet. So if you are a lonely student, then go and spend some time downtown at Uptown Espresso, or hang out in the University Union.If you want to break the ice, play it cool. When dealing with college students in a casual atmosphere, ask questions like “What are you studying?” Basically, take some time to introduce yourself, and start making connections. Don’t be surprised to find out that you are both taking intro to bowling next quarter, or maybe you both are in the ski club. Speaking of clubs, joining organizations like the ski club will help you meet like minded people. The secret to meeting someone you have something in common with is by going out of your way to join some new groups, a new class, and saying “Hello”.Now for those of you out of the dorms and constant presence of members of the opposite sex, meeting your dream date can initially appear more demanding. While some may claim that the bar scene in downtown SLO is overrated, there are hidden gems where all the hotties congregate. Case in point, on a recent Wednesday, I stumbled into Grappolo, and was greeted by a ration of two stunning beauties for every one scruffy looking guy. On the flipside, all you single ladies (Yes, they do exist in this town) should check out Corner View on a Friday night. Not only will you get away from the token college boys, but you can sample their extensive drink selection, and enjoy a more cultured experience.Planning your first dateA wise man once said, “Don’t reinvent the wheel.” So listen up my aspiring Casanova, and you too will be rolling in no time. First of all- if you were planning dinner and a movie tear up that worn out idea and get over that tired old fallback. Take a moment to look outside. We live in paradise people! You are constantly surrounded by awe inspiring vistas, sandy beaches, and a majestic blue sky.With that in mind, whenever I think of a perfect date, I imagine a Saturday afternoon in Pismo Beach. All you gentlemen should plan on staring the day at Pismo Beach florist, and purchase a single rose. It shows that you aren’t afraid to give, but you also aren’t out to buy their love. Pick up your date and head over to the Steaming Bean, and order up a pair of mocha lattes. Mention that Daniel K. O’Leary from VirtualSLO sent you, and take a seat at my regular table. After chatting over your frothy beverages, talk a stroll down to the shore, and sit and listen to the surf crash. The rest is up to you. Total Cost- $12.Keeping it lively“I’m bored” are three words you should eliminate from your vocabulary when it comes to the SLO life. There is a reason millions of tourists descend upon or community every year, and you need to understand why.You can eat at a new restaurant every week, and not repeat for over a decade. You can go to a new beach every weekend for an entire year. Whether you want to bike, listen to classical music, or make your own wine, the options on the central coast are as limitless as your imagination. I’m fairly unoriginal, so I cheat and look at the events calendar on VirtualSLO to keep abreast of what is happening during the next week. Go see a show at the PAC, take a wine tour, or go bird watching. In my personal experience, I’ve been on more dates than I can remember, and I’ve yet to repeat.So good luck meeting the right person, and in case someone introduces themselves as Daniel K. O’Leary the next time you are downtown, run. You probably wouldn’t want to date me anyways. If you would like some personal advice, send me an e-mail and I’ll see what I can do. Source: Free Articles from